Mixed Media Photo Collages

Imagination Series

Intimacy, wanderlust and (un)natural beauty are the driving forces behind the Imagination series. Britta Dietsche cuts out illustrations, photographs and advertisements from magazines and combines them digitally with objects and patterns. The result is called a digital collage. She uses dots and wavy lines and plays with light and color to direct the viewer’s gaze. This creates an interaction between the viewer and the picture that can unleash longings and dreams. Why do we look at something and how?

Britta Dietsche always works in series, whereby each work is effective in its own right and yet interacts with the series. The artist often combines different time levels in her collages. Women are also a recurring motif. The collages question the representation of femininity in the media, especially as the women depicted are taken from magazines.

In the Imagination series, the artist uses flowers as symbols of growth, beauty and melancholy, as well as blurring for transience. Various elements, some of which are superimposed on the images, are reminiscent of a night-time game or a dream.


120 x 119 cm, mixed media photo collage

Splish Splash

127 x 120 cm, Mixed Media Photo Collage

Mon Prince

120 x 120 cm, Mixed Media Photo Collage


120 x 100 cm, mixed media photo collage

The happiness of the earth

160 x 100 cm, Mixed Media Photo Collage

Revival Series

Various sizes, mixed media photo collage

Phantom of the day

100 x 129 cm, mixed media photo collage