Swimming / Swimming competition

“I found something I love… and never gave up!”

Michael Phelps

Swimming in crystal clear water is the ultimate, stripped-down moving meditation. A sensation of flow comes from both the literal fluidity of the water and from the natural gliding action of swimming. A steady, smooth rhythm that keeps you going.

Swimming I

100 x 67 cm, Mixed Media Photo Collage
Fine Art Print
Other sizes on request

Swimming II

100 x 67 cm, Mixed Media Photo Collage
Fine Art Print
Other sizes on request

Swimming competition II

185 x 100 cm, Mixed Media Photo Collage
Fine Art Print
Other sizes on request

Swimming competition IV

185 x 100 cm, Mixed Media Photo Collage
Fine Art Print
Other sizes on request

Swimming race VII

185 x 100 cm, Mixed Media Photo Collage
Fine Art Print
Other sizes on request

Swimming race VIII

185 x 100 cm, Mixed Media Photo Collage
Fine Art Print
Other sizes on request