
Framed by the track bike, the woman charmingly presents her shoulder. The pink petals give it a gentle appearance, but in the following collages it becomes a cool beauty that looks out at the viewer in an inviting manner. The young woman seduces the viewer in the same way as the woman in pictures 7 and 8, but this one plays with her charms in a completely different way. She looks up shyly, the delicate tones emphasizing her (apparent) innocence.

Digital Collages Wings I
Departure I

150 x 100 cm, Mixed Media Photo Collage
Fine Art Print
Other sizes on request

Digital Collages Wings I
Departure II

150 x 100 cm, Mixed Media Photo Collage
Fine Art Print
Other sizes on request

Digital Collages Wings I
Departure III

150 x 100 cm, Mixed Media Photo Collage
Fine Art Print
Other sizes on request

Digital Collages Wings I
Departure VI

150 x 100 cm, Mixed Media Photo Collage
Fine Art Print
Other sizes on request

Digital Collages Wings I
Departure VII

150 x 100 cm, Mixed Media Photo Collage
Fine Art Print
Other sizes on request

Digital Collages Wings I
Departure VIII

150 x 100 cm, Mixed Media Photo Collage
Fine Art Print
Other sizes on request